What helps us help clients in vulnerable circumstances?

As outsourced paraplanners, we have a responsibility to help our planning clients to identify, understand and advise clients who may be in vulnerable circumstances.

Over the last few years, there’s been a real focus in this area resulting in some great resources available for those advisers and paraplanners who want to improve their awareness and knowledge.

We’ve committed to two resources:

  1. We’ve recently signed up to the Financial Vulnerability Taskforce, created by the PFS. Among other support, the Financial Vulnerability Taskforce’s aims to promote greater understanding, encourage appropriate behaviours and establish good practice for working with consumers in vulnerable circumstances. If you want to find out more, their charter is a good place to start. Their resource library is also worth visiting.
  2. We subscribe to the Carebox – a service from My Care Consultant. We’ve used this in team training and it’s helped us in conversations with our adviser clients.

Because this is important to the team, we plan on keeping our eyes peeled for further resources and will share any we try here.

What tools would you recommend? We’d love to hear.